Skin Illustrator Singles - Cannom Classic Collection

The Skin Illustrator Cannom Classics Collection Singles are alcohol based versions of the Cannom Collection of PM Colors.  These large, circular pots are perfect for providing that extra bit of pigment needed to carry out and complete any makeup.

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The Skin Illustrator Cannom Classics Collection Singles are alcohol based versions of the Cannom Collection of PM Colors.  Based on the original William Tuttle cream/wax formulas, these seven colors are favorites of four-time Oscar winner, Greg Cannom, and he has used them to create many of his most famous makeup characters.  The colors included are: Shibui,  Tawnshee,  GC Beige,  Medium Dark Beige (from the Essentials Palette) Embeth, Cafe Ole (from the Warm Beige 1 Palette); Julianne (from the Orche Palette).  These colors have been a staple of Greg's makeup kit and they have helped to define his career.

Skin Illustrator Singles are available in many of the most popular Skin Illustrator colors. These large, circular pots are perfect for providing that extra bit of pigment needed to carry out and complete any makeup.  They each contain about 60% more dried pigment product than a single cell in the classic size Skin Illustrator Palette. The wide open mouth provides easy application with either a brush or a sponge, while the sleek packaging can fit in your pocket.

Skin Illustrator is a system of durable, water and abrasion resistant alcohol activated make-up. Created by professionals for professionals, Skin Illustrator is designed to speed up the process of color applications and touch ups by greatly reducing the need to mix colors. The wide range of colors allows you total control to create any illusion imaginable. Skin Illustrator will cover tattoos, create effects, color hair, and it can be used on foam latex, gelatin, plastic, and silicone appliances. The high pigment content provides rich color tones that stay in place and last all day. Skin Illustrator colors can be activated with a spray or dab of alcohol, and they require few touch ups other than an occasional powdering. Whether you use a brush, air brush, sponge or stipple technique, Skin Illustrator can fix a problem or keep one from happening.

Skin Illustrator palettes must be activated with Skin Illustrator ActivatorSkin Illustrator Slow Activator or 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. Do Not use 70% alcohol, MEK, acetone, water or any other solvent to attempt to activate the makeup.

A quick spritz of Skin Illustrator Activator or Slow Activator into the makeup container is all that is needed to transfer the dry pigment from the palette to your brush or sponge then onto the skin. As the Activator evaporates the makeup dries on the skin.

Removal is easy with the Super Solv line of removers or Telesis Makeup Remover.

Due to the high pigment content and lack of unnecessary fillers in the Skin Illustrator color system, cracks, bubbles and any shrunken appearance that may occur in some dried color cells does not affect the quality or performance of the product in any way.

Dilutable WithActivator, Slow Activator, 99% Isopropyl Alcohol
Recomended RemoverTelesis Makeup Remover
ManufacturerPremiere Products, Inc.
Shipping RestrictionsNon-Flammable - No Restrictions
Country of OriginMade in the USA

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ImageItem CodeSingle ColorPriceAdd to cart
PP-SING-COCafe Ole $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-GCBGC Beige $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-JLNJulianne $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-MDBMedium Dark Beige $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-SHBShibui $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-TWNTawnshee $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
PP-SING-EMBEmbeth $20.00 $18.00 [-] [+]
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